Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Future Plans

What do you plan to do after high school to stay physically active/fit?


  1. I think after high school I will create my own schedule for exercising. It is importnant to me so i will probably just run around the campus or go to the gym and use the treadmill or lift weights during the week.

  2. While im in college I plan on going to a gym to use a treadmill so I stay active and to relieve stress cuz I'm sure there will be lots of it. Also maybe do some of those dorm room exercises that you showed us. It is important to me to stay physically fit so I will try to stay as active as possible.

  3. I will live in omaha so i plan on doing alot of things that i haven't been able to do here. I plan on going to the YMCA to swim and workout in the gym there. I also plan on playing tennis with my siblings and there friends, we play every time we go to visit. I also plan on joining a bowling league, i'm not sure how much that will keep me in shape but it will keep me active. My siblings stay very active so i'm sure they will encourage me to keep going to the gym and working out.

  4. I plan on attending college at UNK. When I visited there, they showed us a wide variety of ways that they help you stay fit. First of all the campus is spread out over lots of land so walking will always help. Secondly UNK has a large gym. They also have a walking facility placed around the gym for on the cold days you can still walk. They also have a weightlifting rooms with treadmills and elliptical available. Plus there are always intramurals to take place in.
